Piano Tiles X2 is addictive and fun piano music game
Piano Tiles X2 is an addictive and fun game that will create lots of fun. If you like music games and classical music then this game can be a great option for you. But not all is music in this piano tiles game, you need to be fast and improve your tap skills in order to become a piano master. طريقة اللعبة سهلة ، ما عليك سوى النقر على البلاط الأسود ولا تنقر على البلاط الأبيض ، ويعتمد الباقي على مدى السرعة التي يمكنك النقر عليها على جهازك المحمول. يعد التركيز جزءًا مهمًا يجب أن يتطوره المستخدم ، خاصة عند اللعب على وضع الممرات ، نظرًا لعدد لا نهاية له في عدد البلاط الذي يمكن استغلاله ، إنه مجرد مسألة وقت وصبر وقدرة وثبات للوصول إلى سجل أعلى.
كيف تلعب
يمكن أن يكون تعريف هذه اللعبة المجانية مثل: من الصعب وضع قواعد أكثر بساطة ، لكن ليس من السهل إتقان اللعبة حتى معرفة القاعدة البسيطة. القاعدة بسيطة للغاية: اضغط على كل بلاط أسود واحد بالترتيب الذي تظهر عليه ، ولكن لا تلمس أي بلاط أبيض وإلا فإنك ستخسر. So the basics of the game are those but this is divided in 3 main game modes:
Arcade: Infinite tiles shall be appear sequentially since the very first moment the player touches the bottommost tile. The speed shall accelerate until certain limit. Keeping the concentration in high level is definitely needed in order to achieve a top score. Also being fast is a good skill to get a great position in the podium of the olympus of the piano tiles pianists.
Classic: In this mode it is not enough with being as fast as the game push you to be. If you want to be a top scored then you have to be the fastest in the western of the pianists. You have to touch a certain number of black tiles in the least time possible. Depending on the difficulty level the number of tiles to be tapped shall vary.
Rush: A limited amount of time is all what you have to show again who is the best on tapping piano tiles. The amount of time shall depend on the chosen difficulty level. Tap, tap and tap tiles while the time counter has not reached zero. Once the zero has been reached there is no option to improve what the player did, only starting a new game again.
Besides the 3 game modes there are three game difficulty levels:
Easy: In this level every row of the piano is made by 2 white tiles and 1 black tile. يجب أن يحتفظ وضع الممرات بنفس معدلات السرعة لجميع مستويات الصعوبة ، والفرق الوحيد في وضع الممرات هو عدد البلاط في كل صف. The Classic mode shall consist on touching 50 tiles. The Rush mode shall give 20 seconds to the user.
Medium: The structure of the piano for this medium level is formed by rows of 3 white tiles and 1 black tile. As the previous one, Arcade shall keep the same speed but the Classic and Rush shall again vary. The Classic one shall have 75 tiles and the Rush one will provide 40 seconds.
Hard: Five tiles per row of the piano shall make more hard to achieve high scores. Again nothing changes on the Arcade mode speed. The Classic mode shall contains one hundred tiles waiting to be touched as soon as possible. And for the Rush mode we will find an amount of one minute.
We would advice using any of the difficulty levels for smart phones with a good screen size. For smart phones with a small screen size the easy level is the most suitable. For tablets medium and hard levels are the best to enjoy this free game.
We hope you enjoy this game, its music and game play. We also appreciate your comments, ratings and emails. It helps us improve.
قطعة الآية مليئة بالميكانيكا الرائعة التي يمكن أن تبقي اللعبة جديدة ومثيرة ، خاصة بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يحبون وجود مخلوق صغير يتبعونهم
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